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Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin
Injury Settlements and Jury Awards
We studied Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin injury settlements and jury award trends and found out that the highest jury award was in Cook in Illinois with $100,000,000. It is then followed by Lake in Illinois with $33,210,919 and so on.
In Illinois, we studied the settlement trends in the following counties and districts: Cook, Will, Kane, Dupage, Lake and Winnebago. In Indiana, we analyzed: Lake and Marion counties. Finally, in Wisconsin, we looked at data from Milwaukee, Dane, and Waukesha counties.
Note: We did take into account several other counties and districts and their data is complied under the "other" category.
Here is what we found:
Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin Injury Awards
by County and/or District

Cook, Illinois | |
Will, Illinois | |
Lake, Indiana | |
Kane, Illinois | |
Milwaukee, Wisconsin | |
Marion, Indiana | |
Dupage, Illinois | |
Dane, Wisconsin | |
Lake, Illinois | |
Winnebago, Illinois | |
Waukesha, Wisconsin | |
Other |
Highest Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin Injury Settlements and Jury Awards

Cook, Illinois | |
Lake, Illinois | |
Lake, Indiana | |
Will, Illinois | |
Milwaukee, Wisconsin | |
Dupage, Illinois | |
Marion, Indiana | |
Waukesha, Wisconsin | |
Kane, Illinois | |
Dane, Wisconsin | |
Winnebago, Illinois | |
Other |
Average Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin Injury Settlements and Jury Awards

Lake, Illinois | |
Cook, Illinois | |
Lake, Indiana | |
Waukesha, Wisconsin | |
Dane, Wisconsin | |
Winnebago, Illinois | |
Marion, Indiana | |
Will, Illinois | |
Dupage, Illinois | |
Milwaukee, Wisconsin | |
Kane, Illinois | |
Other |
Median Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin Injury Settlements and Jury Awards

Dane, Wisconsin | |
Winnebago, Illinois | |
Waukesha, Wisconsin | |
Lake, Indiana | |
Milwaukee, Wisconsin | |
Lake, Illinoisa | |
Kane, Illinois | |
Cook, Illinois | |
Will, Illinois | |
Marion, Indiana | |
Dupage, Illinois | |
Other |
List of Highest Illinois, Indiana, and
Injury Settlements and Jury Awards
- Simonton v. L&L Enters. Indiana Superior Court. Award by Jury: $157,000,000.
- Matter of Wheeler E. Chapman III. Illinois Circuit Court. Award by Settlement: $100,000,000.
- Reuter v. Yang. Illinois Circuit Court. Award by Jury: $40,000,000.
- George Baldwin IV v. William Klairmont and Lauralee Pfeifer. Illinois Circuit Court. Award by Jury: $33,210,919.
- Wolsieffer v. Lakes of the Four Seasons Prop. Owners Ass'n. Indiana Circuit Court. Award by Jury: $700,640.
- Bank of America, N.A., and Gearldine Edmonds v. Northeast Illinois Regional Commuter Railroad Corporation. Illinois Circuit Court. Award by Jury: $29,560,081.
- Hoffman v. Crane. Illinois Circuit Court. Award by Jury: $27,672,152
- Kindle v. SCI Propane. Indiana Superior Court. Award by Jury: $27,037,425.
- Eichhorn v. Metal Mgmt. Midwest Inc. Illinois Circuit Court. Award by Jury: $25,613,426.
10. Sally J. Moore v. TRW Vehicle Safety Systems, Inc., and Ford Motor Company. Indiana Superior Court. Award by Jury: $25,000,000.
11. Sperl v. C.H. Robinson. Illinois Circuit Court. Award by Jury: $23,775,000.
12. Lingafelter v. Overnite Transportation Co. Illinois Unknown State Court (III), Cook County. Award by Jury: $22,520,000.
13. Bentivenga v. Saleh. Illinois Circuit Court. Award by Jury: $22,000,000.
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